The Best Housewarming and Hostess Gift Ideas


The best and the worst of housewarming and Hostess gifts!

Gift giving can be hard at times. Depending on the person, you might nail it on the head or completely flop. I’ve personally been given some pretty hilarious gifts in my day. Cheetos t-shirt - In their defense I am a HUGE chip/savory snack lover. Floral cloth hat - No idea what they were thinking with this one. I’m sure you’ve had a few yourself '“memorable gifts” as well, but then others that have come along the way and have been SUPER thoughtful!

Being a realtor, I understand the importance of connecting with my clients throughout our interactions together to ensure that I am picking up on their specific likes and dislikes in a home, and how they are envisioning their family working in the space. This helps me narrow in on the style and characteristics of a home that they are drawn to. It also doesn’t hurt when it comes time for closings because I love giving a good gift that is unique to that person or couple.

What closing gifts have you received from your real estate agents in the past? I always love hearing not only good ideas, but also the humoring gifts that are given more as a formality than out of individuality. Branded kitchen gadgets, keychains, magnets, branded cutting board, notepads, coffee mugs… The list goes on and it never gets old. You know exactly what I’m talking about.

Well, although the end of my real estate transactions generally means fair well (for the time being ;), I am always sure to spoil my clients with a little something that I think they will enjoy. So today I thought it would be fun to show a round up of some of my favorite housewarming gift ideas (that also double as great hostess gifts) I use for both clients and friends. I am always striving to stamp it with my own personal twist utilizing memorable moments, while also ensuring my gifts can be leveraged in every day life.


Storage is a great way to add organization to someones life and bring texture and beauty in at the same time. They are typically easy to match with already existing decor and can be a staple for textiles, hiding children toys, or a number of other things.


Trays are a great accent piece for any room. Whether you are trying to pair them in the living room, kitchen, bedroom or bathroom, a tray is sure to find a home and purpose.


Bowls can be both decorative or purposeful. If the special person in your life is purchasing a home with shelving or is a big fruit and veggie consumer, a bowl is a versatile gift that can make a home almost anywhere.


Plants and planters are one of my favorite gift giving staples. They help bring natural beauty into a home and can fill any space. If your loved one doesn’t have the best green thumb, you can leverage a faux plant or succulent to ease their effort.


Candles are a great way to bring warmth into new surroundings. They have a way of making things feel cozy and welcoming. Unscented candles can be a great option if you don’t know what scent you should lean towards, as unscented candles can make for a beautiful centerpiece or decor.


If sentimental is the way to win over your friend/family heart, then I would suggest checking out all of the custom gift ideas Etsy has to offer. These personalized postage stamps and custom home illustrations make for some adorable gifts and are sure to be cherished.

Whatever gift you land on, as long as it comes from the heart and has a little personalization to it, your lucky recipient is sure to be pleased. Throw in a bottle of their favorite wine or cocktail and it’ll be a home run.

Happy gift giving!


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Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.



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