How to Prep your Home Before Vacation


Vacation is meant to be enjoyed

The purpose of taking a vacation is to be completely on vacation. Worrying about what might be happening at home while you are away should be the last thing on your mind. It is very easy to prep your home before a trip and it is completely worth it. There is nothing worse than being immediately ejected from relaxation mode as you walk through your front door after a fabulous vacay. Use the tips below as a checklist for your next trip. What I have learned is give yourself sufficient time on top of packing and getting out the door so you can head out on vacation without looking back.

Check the Weather

I know you already know the weather of where you are going, but be sure to check what the weather will be like where your home is so you can plan accordingly. If it is supposed to snow, be sure you plan a backup for snow removal.

Check your spigots

Be sure all hoses are stored inside for the winter and your spigots are winterized/turned off so pipes don't risk freezing. A very important step depending on the time of year and where you live.


Set light timers

Set light timers to make it look like someone is home. This will help deter potential break-ins from happening. You can do this with outlet timers or smart bulbs. If you go the smart bulb route, set the light to turn on throughout the day and if using timers, double check them before leaving your home to ensure they are working correctly.

Clean out the refrigerator

Go through your food and toss food that will spoil while you are away. Don’t forget the fruit bowl! You can thank me later for saving you from a smelly home that will take you out of relaxation mode real quick. After doing this, definitely don’t skip the next tip.

Trash Pickup

Empty all interior trash cans before leaving home. See if a neighbor can set your trash can out for you while you're gone. Leaving trash in the home will only lead to potential unwanted pests and a very unpleasant smell. So empty the trash and arrange for someone to put out the trash bins for pickup while you are away.

set your Thermostat

Set your thermostat down a few degrees to save on utility bills. Be sure to keep it 55 degrees or above though to not impact any functionality with appliances or mechanicals. If you are only going to be gone 1-2 days, this step is not worth taking and will actually cause your heating system to have to work harder/cost you more. If you have a smart thermostat, don’t forget to set it to away mode and adjust to your desired temp hours before you are set to walk through the door.

Have a friend check your mail

This way your mail isn’t building up—a sign that no one is home. You could also put your mail on hold. Depending on long you are gone for this may not be a necessary step, but something worth considering.

Check all windows and doors

Double check all windows and doors to ensure they are completely closed and locked. Rest assured knowing your home is secured while you are away. If you have a security system, turn that baby on.

Most importantly, have a fabulous vacation! Your home will be ready for you upon your arrival back to sweet reality.



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Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.



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