Quarter 2 Goal Check-In


And just like that, it is officially sweet summertime! Summertime means that schedules suddenly get much more hectic, the weather gets warmer, and time seems to somehow go by even faster. It also means that we are more than halfway through the year!

Do you remember your latest goals you set or maybe the New Year’s resolutions you were determined to keep all year long? How do they look now? Maybe you have stayed on track! Maybe you crushed a goal or two you set! Or maybe life happened and your goals have shifted.


The middle of the year is a great time to do some self reflection. By doing this, we have the opportunity to reflect on the first part of the year to see where we have succeeded and where we have room to grow. What this is NOT is a time to be hard on yourself. Whether you’ve achieved all, one or none of your goals, let it go and start anew. Reassess, restructure, dream bigger, and/or change shit up!

Here are a few things to think through as you get started…


Finding motivation to do the hard work can often times be VERY difficult. More times than not, we get so tempted to stop because we don’t think the result will be worth the work. This is why it is important to know your WHY. What is driving you to meet this goal or accomplish this task? Your WHY can be big or small, as long as it means something to you!


Now that you have moved through the reflection part it’s time to set some new goals. Make sure your goals are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Tying them back to this acronym will help hold you accountable to not only outlining details, but also measuring success. Be sure to check out this blog post for more on goal setting and accountability!


Be sure to celebrate EVERY win! Staying motivated is the key to your success. If you focus on the long road ahead vs. the exciting milestones you hit along the way, it can feel overwhelming.


To hold myself accountable, I took a quick look back at my 7 personal development goals for 2022. Some of them I’ve been tackling head first, while others I let fall off my radar. As my plate fills up with other responsibilities and priorities, somethings got to give, and typically they are personal goals that get pushed to the side. I can say that overall though, I’m happy with the strides I’ve made and am excited to refocus my time once again.

Out of my seven goals from the beginning of the year, I really want to continue to focus on my work life balance and incorporate more meditation and reading. I’ve done a pretty good job of being aware of the rollercoaster I put myself on being a small business owner in an ever changing industry. However, it takes practice. Scheduling time on my calendar, building habits, celebrating small milestones are all ways that I can reset my time and intention. On top of these, I am also trying to do better about meal prepping at home and getting in a few workouts per week. We’ve got one body to care for and I want to show it some love, so here goes nothing!!

Cheers to you and the 2nd half of 2022!



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