Goal Setting and Accountability Tools



Many of you may know this, but I am a boss babe, world traveler, landlord, realtor, DIYer, fur mama, AND lover of numbers. I decided to leave my corporate career back in May of 2018 to pursue a career in real estate. Although I’ve taken a step back from data analytics, I still love spending time crunching numbers in spreadsheets and helping other small business owners evaluate and ideate to define what success means to them.

Today I wanted to share a little about what it is I love to do and how I could potentially help each of you create and stick to some goals of your own. I am excited to share this side passion of mine to hopefully help benefit each of you in your own way. So here goes nothing!


How many of you make a New Year’s Resolution and stick to it for say…oh about two weeks? Three weeks? 5 days? A month? However long you last, I’m going to guess it isn’t the full year, unless you are one unique cookie. You want to know why? Because we human beings are not great at changing our behaviors unless they become habit. And to do this, you have to set goals for your goals.

I’m a sucker for stats, so let me break it down to you with some fun data.

  • 83% of the population don’t have goals

  • 14% of the population have unwritten goals

    • This subset is 10x more likely to be successful than those without goals

  • 3% of the population have written goals

    • This subset is 3x more successful than those with unwritten goals and 30x more successful than those without goals

Puts things into perspective right? Only you are in charge of the decisions and outcomes you make each and every day. And guess what? You’ve got this and I’m here to help you break it down into 5 easy steps.



  1. First you need to determine what your goal is. Be sure to align it with what you are passionate about and motivated by. Try to concentrate on one large goal so you can stay motivated and focused.

    • Example: For me I love to travel and want to live a life of flexibility to experience cultures around the world. So, I changed careers to real estate, and began investing in properties to create a passive revenue stream that will help subsidize my income.

  2. Next you need to ensure they are SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Tying them back to this acronym will help hold you accountable to not only outlining details, but also measuring success.

  3. Then you take it a step further and do what I like to call a 1-3-5. This activity helps break down your BIG goal into digestible components to prioritize and strategize your success.

    • 1 - Your Main Objective

    • 3 - Top 3 Priorities to Achieve Your Objective

      • Double my real estate transactions from 2019

      • Reduce business expenses down to X% or less

      • Only eat out 1x per week

    • 5 - Five Strategies to Reach Each of Your 3 Priorities

  4. From there you are going to create your monthly goal tracker which is called the 4-1-1. This breaks down your 1-3-5 into annual, monthly and weekly goals. You will leverage the 4-1-1 at the beginning of every month. It will help you determine what you need to accomplish each week to be successful with satisfying your monthly goal, which ultimately ties back to your overarching annual goal.

  5. Lastly, time blocking is your friend! I can’t reiterate this enough! If you have reoccurring time set aside on your calendar to check in on your progress, it will help hold you accountable! It is a great time to celebrate successes and see where gaps may be so that you have time to reprioritize and shift. My recommendation is at a minimum is to review monthly, quarterly and yearly. (If using the 4-1-1 you will review on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis.)

As I mentioned in step 5, be sure to celebrate the wins! Staying motivated is the key to your success. If you focus on the road ahead vs. the exciting milestones you hit along the way, it will be hard to not feel overwhelmed.

Last thing to note, you can set goals in all facets of your life. If you want to increase your movement each day, this will help you get there! If you want to drive stronger financials in your business, this is a great tool! If you want to carve out more personal time, you’re in the right place! No matter what you’re looking to tackle, follow these simple steps with repetition and passion, and you’ll be happy as a clam with your results. But don’t forget, they need to be SMART to help keep you on track.

Good Luck!




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