7 Ways to Focus on Personal Development in 2022

Jen poses with her hands on her hips.


I don’t know about you, but does anyone else feel like we are living in our new normal? We might be trying to still fight accepting it as our new normal, but do you at the same time just feel like giving in at this point?

I can tell you whole heartedly that as this new year was approaching, I was just saying “F” it to logic and going out there and beginning to live my best life again. However, thanks to COVID variances being on the rise again, I’m back indoors, looking inward, and trying to figure out what this next year is going to look like for me personally.

What I can tell you is that I’m making a conscious effort this year to work on my personal development. Not my physical appearance. Not my professional career. Only my PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT! You head that right! In the year of 2022 I’m going deep and am going to push myself outside of my comfort zone to get vulnerable, shift my way of thinking, and push my boundaries. As scary as it sounds, I’ve got to say….I’m pretty freaking excited.

You might be thinking…what does that even mean? Ultimately, I think it could mean different things for different people, but here is what it means for me!



Full speed ahead with a DATING coach

My #1 goal for 2022 is to make the time and space for dating. I would like to have a partner to experience this crazy thing we call life with, but I just don’t like putting in the time to find “my person”. The dating apps are a grind, and after being on my phone/computer all day, the last thing I usually want to do is hop on the apps and talk to some strangers. Knowing that and how I continue to push off dating, I’ve decided to hire a Dating Coach. You heard that right! I’m hiring someone to pretty much hold me accountable to dating. It is a 4 month contract and it’s probably going to be a bit painful for me at the beginning, but I’m looking forward to see what all I learn and the potential end result. In the meantime, if you know of any single, eligible bachelors…send them my way ;)


the power of MEDITATION is real

Creating a healthy morning routine helps start each day off on the right foot, and to do this, I’m starting to incorporate meditation into my daily ritual. The brain is a muscle that we constantly use, but don’t always do the best job at training. Because of this, I’m making a conscious effort to carve out time in my day, every day, to work on practicing the art of meditation. My mind is constantly racing with a never ending to-do list (like most females) and I would love to learn out to allow thoughts to come and go without getting stressed or anxious if I don’t execute on them that very minute. It is a practice that will take time adjusting to, but I can already feel some of the benefits from it, only being 4 weeks into my daily practice. Calming the mind and learning different breathing techniques is fascinating and I’m very excited to see where this leads.


getting to know myself with THERAPY

It’s interesting because most think of therapy as having a negative connotation. However, the way I’m looking at the opportunity of therapy is to dig deep and get a better understanding of myself. I am so curious to understand why I am the way I am. What shaped me into the person I am today. And work through any areas that I would like to focus on to become a better version of myself. By allowing myself the space to learn more about my inner workings, I’m excited to become an even better boss, sister, daughter, and soon-to-be partner for someone. Out of all of my goals, this will be my toughest and most likely, most rewarding.

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You will probably catch onto a theme with me, but I’m always curious in learning. I wish I could plug into a computer and download any topic I wanted to learn into my brain within seconds. However, that is of course not how it works, and I’m not the quickest reader, so instead, podcasts are being reintroduced as a focus again this year. In years past, I’ve loved to leverage podcasts to learn more on topics about real estate investing, financial planning, and health. However, this year I’m really leaning into manifesting. I am challenging myself to give up some of my controlling personality to the universe, and let it do its thing. It’s honestly felt like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders a bit, and I’m just getting started, so I will be sure to keep you posted on how things progress.


The importance of work-life BALANCE

Awwww…my favorite word balance. I’m just going to come out and say it. I absolutely suck at balancing my work and personal life. I’m addicted to my job and enjoy what I do. Any time there is free time, I’m usually online looking at houses, trying to pull together a deal for a client, or searching the web for some new real estate financing opportunity that I can learn about. Well, as my real estate team grows, it is a BIG goal of mine to pull back on client intake, and instead lead through others. It’s my hope that I am able to free up more of my nights and weekends to allow for things like dates to take place. You might laugh, but most days I would prefer to work than go on a date with a complete stranger. However, I’m working on changing that mindset to ensure I start building back a healthy lifestyle and more work life balance into my daily routines. Wish me luck on this one!!




less screen time equals more time to read books

I set reading as a goal of mine last year. However, I sadly didn’t fully complete it. I had set out to read a minimum of 12 books, and I got through about 7. Although this wasn’t the full amount I had set out to read, I was happy with my progress, going from 0 to 7, and would like to continue to have it be a focus of mine. The amount of screen time we have these days is mind boggling, and there’s just something about being able to set aside technology and concentrate on a physical book that gives me a greater sense of wellbeing. So let’s see if I’m able to do better this year!

embrace the joy of SELF CARE

Last but not least is probably my absolute favorite! One of my big focuses for this year is self-care! I’m going to treat myself to more pedicures, massages, yoga, face masks, baths, and maybe even my very first facial! Doesn’t that all sound amazing? I think so too! Seeing that I don’t have any children yet, and that my professional career has me pouring a lot of energy into others, I thought it would be a great chance to RECEIVE some healing energy by giving myself these luxuries from time to time. This week was a pedi & mani, and once COVID calms down a bit more, this girl is going to be signing up for a massage. To say I’m excited about this new and improved approach on life is an understatement.

That’s enough about me though. I want to hear from you! What are your goals for the new year and how do you plan to stick to them? If you need any tips on how to hold yourself accountable, be sure to check out my Goal Setting and Accountability Tools blog post.

Wishing you all the best!


Real estate investor, landlord and DIYer, Realtor, Business consultant, Globe trotter & Converting vegan.



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Where to Save and Where to Splurge on a Kitchen Remodel


Goal Setting and Accountability Tools